CloudWatch Logs New Infrequent Access Log Tier

AWS creates a new CloudWatch Log class with Infrequent Access, cutting costs by 50%.

CloudWatch Logs New Infrequent Access Log Tier

It's not often you can cut a cost by 50% with one change, but the new CloudWatch Logs new Infrequent Access, IA, does just that.

Pricing for standard logs is $0.50/GB, while IA is $0.25/GB.

You can use IA log class if you are only using the following features: Cross-account, Encryption with KMS, and Log Insights.

If you are using any of the following you must use the standard log class: Subscription Filters; export to S3; GetLogEvents; FilterLogEvents; Contributor, Container, and Lambda insights; Metric filter and alerting; data protection; embedded metric format (EMF); and Live Tail.

What's the catch?

Here is the catch, you can only set the log class at creation time.